

It is our expectation that children are in school for every day that they are well enough to attend.  Unauthorised absences are those for which we have had no explanation or where parents/carers make the decision to withdraw their child without authorisation for leave of absence. Please ring the school or leave a message on ParentMail as soon as possible when your child is ill or will be in late, stating the reason.


If a child arrives after the register closes at 9.15am, this will be marked as an unauthorised absence. Frequent lateness will become cause for concern and will be monitored by the school, with the possibility of a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued by the Pupil Entitlement Team if attendance does not improve.


Rose Green Infant School does not authorise holiday in term time. In certain exceptional circumstances, leave of absence may be granted; please see our Attendance and Absence Policy for further details.


We are part of the Felpham and Bognor Schools group and we collectively have an Attendance Protocol, to ensure that all schools in the group are consistent in their approach to managing attendance.  This can be found below, along with our own Attendance and Absence Policy,





Sick and Stomach Bugs

If your child has had a stomach upset or sickness, it is important that you allow a period of 48 hours after the last episode before sending them back to school. Such action will help to prevent the infection spreading unnecessarily to others in the school.