Linking Voices

At Rose Green Infant School we believe all children should have the opportunity to help contribute to and support the decisions made in school by the grown ups. Therefore all of the children in the school form our School Council. This is led by our Deputy Headteacher Mrs Sugden.

One representative from each class is the ‘Linking Voice’ and is the link between the children in their class, the Governors, the Headteacher Mrs Dreckmann, the deputy Headteacher Mrs Sugden, the School Business Manager Mrs Jenner, the Premises Manager Mr Formaggia, as well as the children in the rest of the school. The ‘Linking Voice’ for each class will be changed every term.

Every month each class holds a ‘Class Council Meeting’ and then the following week ideas from these meetings are discussed at the ‘Linking Voice Meetings’.

Below are just some of the different projects the children have been part of through their Class Council Meetings and the 'Linking Voices'...
Goats – Following on from an idea discussed at the FAB locality School Council day, each class came up with their own way of fundraising to buy a goat for a family in a third world country. The original target of 10 goats was smashed and we raised enough money for 31 goats! The children showed a really good understanding of what benefits a goat would bring to a family e.g. the milk to drink or sell, the manure to help their crops grow, the future goat kids to sell or pass on to another family. 
Raise the Roof Project – Each class raised money for roof tiles for our local church St Thomas a Beckett in Pagham. Each class thought of their own way to raise the money for 3 tiles and we ended up donating enough money for 31 roof tiles!
New Headteacher Recruitment - In January 2019, The Linking Voices helped the Governors interview the candidates!
Hot School Meals Feedback - Lauren from Chartwells came to talk to the Linking Voices about what our children feel about the different meals they cook for them. The whole school had the opportunity to give their ideas for new meals too!
Ideas for new Playground markings – The children were very involved in helping to design their new playground markings. The Linking Voices met the representatives from the company and shared their ideas with them. We are very happy to now have the new markings to play on in our playground.
Rules for a Happy Assembly and a Happy Lunchtime - See below for the rules we came up with together!
Dragons – The whole school voted for the new names for our fantastic new dragons. They are Flame and Nightshade.
Projects coming soon…
Please do see Mrs Sugden if you ever have any ideas for our School Council. Thank you.