Values, Ethos and Vision including our Five Words

Vision Statement

 Rose Green Infant School will be a school where pupils are confident, responsible and independent individuals who aspire to achieve their potential.  We will achieve this by providing them with a safe, happy, welcoming, supportive and stimulating learning environment, where there is a culture of equity, achievements are celebrated and mistakes are learned from.



Values and Ethos

 At Rose Green Infant School, we are proud that we are a family orientated school where learning and fulfilling potential is at the centre of all we do.  We want our children to feel happy and confident so we work hard to provide an environment that facilitates this.  The relationships between the children and adults in the school are strong and positive; every child is known well by our fantastic staff team.  We work as a team with the whole of our school community, fostering positive working relationships with parents and carers.  Our aim is to do our best in everything we do.  Through our curriculum, within assemblies, our school council and our everyday approach we promote British Values.

 Every single child in our school is important and special to us.  We work closely with their parents and carers to build on their child’s skills, interests and talents, with the hope that they will in turn develop a love of learning and enjoy coming to our school.  Our focus is on the whole child and we think that our creative, stimulating and exciting curriculum will encourage our children to develop curiosity and a motivation to learn.  

 Our Governing Body sets the strategic direction of the school and has high expectations for both the staff and the educational opportunities that we offer our children.  We encourage our parents and carers to become a part of our school vision and get involved in contributing to the life of the school.  We promote open and positive communication between parents, carers and members of staff. 




Our values and ethos are also closely linked with our 'Five Words'. 

Responsible        Resilient          Motivated      Independent      Creative

For more information, see our Curriculum section.