Mental Health Week

10th February 2023

During the week of the 6th February, we held a week focusing on Mental Health. Each day the classes held activities that promoted well-being and building friendships. We were very fortunate that one of our lovely Year One Mums, Mrs Sophie Flint (an experienced yoga instructor) was able to come into school and work with each of the Year One and Two classes on some breathing exercises. In addition to this on Friday 10th February, the school held a Mix-Around Morning where the whole school mixed- up and met with new friends in different classes. This aimed to build new friendships across the school and support our younger pupils. The feedback from both the children and staff was extremely positive and this is something we hope to do more regularly. 


"I made friends with James in Ladybird" -Freddie 


"I liked it when we made friendship bangles" Kyle


"First of all, I was a little bit nervous but then I thought it was good, after I thought it was fun" Dolly


"We did friendship bracelets and our buddy had to write their name on it, we also did a friendship wall" Lily


When asked if we should do the mix-around morning again every child I spoke to said "yes!"