Year 1 News

29th November 2024

This month the children have been very busy and have had lots of fun. They have started gymnastics with Mrs Knight in PE. They have learnt 10 gymnastics shapes and are beginning to link them together, using different ways of travelling, to create a sequence.

The children took part in Science Week where they completed a variety of experiments. They made predictions and discussed their findings. Some of the experiments included the colour mixing experiment, cornflour slim and the Humpty Dumpty experiment.

In Maths we have been comparing height and length, mass and weight, capacity, objects and numbers and have been learning to use Part, Part Whole diagrams to partition numbers into smaller parts.

In Literacy, the children have read the book ‘The Disgusting Sandwich’. They made their own sandwiches and described them using adjectives. They have also written sentences using the five senses and have written poems inspired by the poet Hadley James.

The children have also been very busy during challenge time, independently completing tasks that relate to prior learning.